TEACH ME HOW TO BRUSHY. The Oregon Dental Association had a simple PSA for kids: “ a healthy mouth leads to a healthy body.” Who they actually needed to see this message was a little more complicated: their main audience (parents and children). But also, legislative influencers in Salem. And even more broadly, larger state agencies like Oregon Health Authority and Healthy Kids. Our idea? A parody video called “Teach Me How to Brushy.” Inspired by, “Teach Me How to Dougie,” by Cali Swag District. We recruited local celebrities such as Trailblazer legends Bill Schonley and Jerome Kersey, and local schoolchildren at Ockley Green K-8 school. For the legislators in the audience, we invited Rep. Tina Kotek and Dr. Bruce Goldberg from the Oregon Health Authority to also “Do the Brushy.” “Brushy” not only blew past our goals, it was a PR and social media machine. In only one month, it skyrocketed ODA’s visibility. Media outlets from Gawker to Huffington Post to CNN, not to mention Good Morning America and dozens of local and national media outlets all ran the video on their sites and news broadcasts. We even saw celebrities such as Whoopi Goldberg tweet about the video.